Multi-omics network analyses to identify key drivers of disease initiation and progression in the preclinical phase of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).Funding: Support for this tool has been provided by the Kenneth Rainin Foundation (Grant #20210021)Details related with this interface:1. Torres, J., Petralia, F., Sato, T., Wang, P., Telesco, S.E., Strauss, R., Li, X.J., Laird, R.M., Gutierrez, R.L., Porter, C.K. and Plevy, S., 2020. Serum biomarkers identify patients who will develop inflammatory bowel diseases up to 5 years before diagnosis. Gastroenterology, 159(1), pp.96-104.2. Porter CK, Riddle MS, Gutierrez RL, et al. Cohort profile of the PRoteomic Evaluation and Discovery in an IBD Cohort of Tri-service Subjects (PREDICTS) study: Rationale, organization, design, and baseline characteristics. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications 2019; 14: 100345.