PhosNet V is | PhosphoProteomics Network 2D/3D V isualization PhosNetVis is a web-based platform for integrated fast kinase-substrate enrichment analysis and interactive 2D/3D network visualizations of phosphoproteomics datasets.To generate a phosphoproteomics network that consists of kinases and their targets, you can run “fast Kinase-Substrate Enrichment Analysis (fKSEA)” by uploading a .csv file that contain target proteins and their corresponding log(FoldChange) phosphorylation values. If you have already run fKSEA OR prepared your networks, you can upload your data for “Visualization” to interactively visualize and explore your phosphoproteomics networks in 2D/3D. If you do not have any data yet, you can also “Explore Existing Networks”. Further guides for running the fKSEA, and reshaping & customizing your network data in the correct format for visualization can be found in their own sections below. If you encounter any difficulties, you can check the FAQ section, or watch the recorded tutorials.
GNU Affero General Public License This work is licensed under AGPL-3.0